Monday, March 17, 2008

Trust your feelings about how to parent your child

“A mother understands what a child does not say.” –Jewish Proverb

Trusting your feeling when it comes to your child is the soundest advice anyone can give to a parent, because the truth is, there are no experts, only people who can offer you advice. The expert truly is you and every child is unique in their experience. Many parents with multiple children see evidence of this in the differences between each child. As different as they are with their looks, they have different personalities, temperaments, strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes… you get the idea. As different as each child is, so is the advice you would need from a resource outside of yourself. The good news is you have a built in mechanism which if paid attention to, can offer you advice in any situation you find yourself in with your child. The mechanism I am referring to is your intuition; that inner knowing or nudge you feel when you are faced with a situation you are seeking an answer for.

©2008 by Tara Paterson, (excerpt from Parenting Well Using Your Intuition),
All Rights Reserved

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Tara Paterson

Tara Paterson

A certified coach for parents of intuitives and the co-author of the book- Raising Intuitive Children (New Page Books, '09), Tara Paterson is raising 4 highly intuitive children with her husband. She is a corporate spokesperson, a syndicated columnist, parent advisor, and author of 100 plus parenting and spiritual articles.

Tara is available for private coaching, presentations, lectures, and workshops. Contact Tara at or visit