Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Intuitive Thought for the Day

•When your child is upset or feels pain, whether you think he should feel the way he does or not, acknowledge his true feelings and explore the feeling with him. What your child feels at any moment is very real and by telling a child they shouldn’t feel that way, causes them to go inside and question whether they are allowed to feel what they are experiencing.

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Tara Paterson

Tara Paterson

A certified coach for parents of intuitives and the co-author of the book- Raising Intuitive Children (New Page Books, '09), Tara Paterson is raising 4 highly intuitive children with her husband. She is a corporate spokesperson, a syndicated columnist, parent advisor, and author of 100 plus parenting and spiritual articles.

Tara is available for private coaching, presentations, lectures, and workshops. Contact Tara at parentcoach@justformom.com or visit JustForMom.com