Thursday, May 7, 2009

Grace, Grit and Gratitude

Don't forget to join Caron and I tomorrow, May 8th for a live interview with JaiKaur on her show- Grace, Grit and Gratitude. JaiKaur has opened up heart space for a special Mother's Day edition to interview us about our book- Raising Intuitive Children.

Show: Women's Grace, Grit and Gratitude
Type: Education - Study Group
Network: Global
Date: Friday, May 8, 2009
Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
Phone: 508.376.2146

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Tara Paterson

Tara Paterson

A certified coach for parents of intuitives and the co-author of the book- Raising Intuitive Children (New Page Books, '09), Tara Paterson is raising 4 highly intuitive children with her husband. She is a corporate spokesperson, a syndicated columnist, parent advisor, and author of 100 plus parenting and spiritual articles.

Tara is available for private coaching, presentations, lectures, and workshops. Contact Tara at or visit