Thursday, May 14, 2009

Endorsement for book, Raising Intuitive Children

In Raising Intuitive Children, Dr. Caron Goode and Tara Paterson bring forth valuable insights on how intuition plays a key role in our families. Through their own personal stories, client reports and clinical research, this book provides an essential foundation and practical guidelines for nurturing our children's intuitive nature. This work is a powerful and engaging contribution to the field of intuitive study and a must have for parents!   
Deb Snyder, PhD

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Tara Paterson

Tara Paterson

A certified coach for parents of intuitives and the co-author of the book- Raising Intuitive Children (New Page Books, '09), Tara Paterson is raising 4 highly intuitive children with her husband. She is a corporate spokesperson, a syndicated columnist, parent advisor, and author of 100 plus parenting and spiritual articles.

Tara is available for private coaching, presentations, lectures, and workshops. Contact Tara at or visit