Friday, January 15, 2010

Global Tragedy in Haiti

I received a link to a web site in my inbox today and like most things it was an article about the tragedy in Haiti. The most disturbing part of this piece were the things Pat Robertson, of all people, was saying. The article further went on to ask whether this catastrophe was karma (you can read the article here)?

It is my turn to be deeply saddened by people who could believe something like this is just a karmic boomerang. Really? Would God, the grand illusion, your higher self/ soul, or whatever you choose to believe in, take out vengeance on people who barely have enough to survive as it is? I choose not to believe something "out there" punished people, who aren't even aware of anything different, just for the mere fun of their circumstance. Would you hold a bowl of food in your hand in front of a child who hasn't eaten in two days just for fun? I mean essentially, that's what we are saying God has done to Haiti if we agree with these kinds of views- be it the devil or karma.

Why don't we look at this global catastrophe in a new light. Perhaps these things happen to people who are less fortunate in an effort to wake up those of us who have been living a life of splendor. My family has fallen on hard times, as I have shared before, like a lot of working families in this country, but we still have far more than people in countries like Haiti. I don't see this event in their life as karma nor do I see it as the people of Haiti projecting something out into the world. This was a natural disaster and one most likely caused by countries like ours.

I received an email yesterday asking whether I wanted to "buy" an item off of someone to give as a gift for a birthday which is THREE months away! Are you kidding me? We just suffered a natural disaster of epic proportions and someone is concerned about gifts for a birthday in April. In my mind, uncontientable!

This is the mentality of the people who have been in control of our world and it's time we make the changes necessary to move forward in love. Forget karma, judgement, opinions, or explanation. Start changing the stories you create and the outcome will begin to look different too! This life isn't about what we have; how much we've given; whether innocent people are being punished or whether its karma! The reality is we have witnessed yet again human tragedy and the only question that needs to be asked is- what do we plan to do about it?

God Bless the people in Haiti. You did not deserve this; you did not bring this on yourself; and there are people who deeply care about you and the human condition. May you rise up from the ashes and ascend into the light of humanity's love!

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Tara Paterson

Tara Paterson

A certified coach for parents of intuitives and the co-author of the book- Raising Intuitive Children (New Page Books, '09), Tara Paterson is raising 4 highly intuitive children with her husband. She is a corporate spokesperson, a syndicated columnist, parent advisor, and author of 100 plus parenting and spiritual articles.

Tara is available for private coaching, presentations, lectures, and workshops. Contact Tara at or visit