Thursday, January 29, 2009

Guidance for Intuitive Children

In the many months since the launch of the Intuitive Parents and Children blog, the questions and support from parents seeking ways to foster the intuitive growth of their children has been inspiring.

It is heart filling to see so many parents open to recognizing their children's intuitive possibilities and reach out to us to ask for guidance. So much so, as a special gift to our blog community and mailing list, we are offering two valuable resources to aid parents in developing the knowledge necessary to guide children to trusting their gifts.

•First, for a limited time, parents truly interested in cultivating their children's intuitive gifts may receive FREE the first chapter of our new book, Raising Intuitive Children, by going to! This innovative book, by Dr. Caron Goode, winner of the 2008 Moms Choice Awards in the category of Lightwork, and Tara Paterson, renowned voice of Just for Mom, provides intuitive enlightenment for parents seeking to encourage intuitive gifts in their children. By signing up for a FREE chapter of Raising Intuitive Children, you get a pre-publication peek at the most advanced book to approach the topics of parenting and intuitive.

•Second, for parents seeking one-on-one teaching with Dr. Goode and Tara Paterson, the Academy for Coaching Parents is offering a two day retreat to learn advanced ways to teach your children to accept their intuitive gifts and aid parents in understanding intuitive behaviors. As space is extremely limited, we ask that you sign up early if you are interested in the Intuitive Parenting Retreat on May 22-23, 2009. For more information, please visit:

We know the struggles and trials that parents encounter in raising children every day. Raising an intuitive child takes a different skill set and mind set to fully help your child develop their intuitive gifts. Fortunately, you do not have to walk the path blindly. We have the insights to help you see past the confusion.

Special Bonus: For a limited time, Raising Intuitive Children is available through at the pre-publication price. Once published, the price increases 33%. So hurry and get your copy of Raising Intuitive Children today!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Intuitive Characeristics

75,000,000 intuitive people, about a fourth of the population, may demonstrate the following personality characteristics:

 Shyness,
 Fearfulness,
 Low sensory threshold,
Sensitivity to energies in their environment,
Sensitivity to people’s moods and energies
 Reflective,
 Empathic,
 Intelligent,
 Creative,
 Aware and
 Conscientious

Given a personality style which is made up of a greater degree of sensitivity, intuitives may feel like a round peg in a square hole when dealing with people and certain environments. Because intuitive people do not think with a linear mind, these round-peg traits are finally being valued now which gives intuitives the feeling of acceptance in today’s world. Appropriate nurturing and training empowers intuitives to feel accepted with their place in life which is of the utmost importance for the growing numbers of sensitive children we are recognizing among us.

Children with an intuitive personal style will respond to life more easily and will have the ability to relate to people, tasks, their environments and to stressors when they are encouraged to express their intuition freely and openly with an adult or caregiver who encourages the child to trust what they know. Knowing the challenges faced by the intuitive child enables parents to discuss, plan and assist in optimal personality and skill development.

How you respond to your intuitive child will teach them to either trust their environment and “knowing” or create fear and uncertainty about their gifts and experiences. Intuitive children need to be validated for what they know and feel. Our task is to provide them with the confidence they need to succeed as intuitives in this life.

©2009 by Tara Paterson and Caron Goode, All Rights Reserved

Friday, January 23, 2009

What does an Intuitive’s Personality Style look like?

Today, intuition is finally being recognized as a personal style shared among ¼ of the population. We now know that an intuitive has a certain predisposition or tendency to process information through:

 Sensation or feeling
 Perception
 Knowing
 Creative emotion
 Visceral or gut level feelings.

Among the examples given below, do any of these traits of an intuitive personal style sound like you or your child?

1.) Do you find yourself drawn to work with people because you influence others well and find personal satisfaction in selling, serving, training, inspiring, counseling, coaching or teaching?

2.) Are you compassionate, creative and convincing?

3.) Does your enthusiasm spill over in conversation as loudness, restlessness or impulsiveness unless you monitor or regulate your energy?

4.) Do you enjoy people, good times and group activities?

Your intuitive children may also have these qualities.

While these traits are examples of the intuitive personal style, we now know that intuitives also have different levels of sensitivity, which are influenced and combined with other factors to mold one’s overall personality. Some of these factors include environment, biophysical aspects, self worth levels, social teachers, stress, and traumatic experiences.

An intuitive parent will want to watch their children’s development to monitor sensitivity and influence the situation to ensure successful results.

©2009 by Tara Paterson and Caron Goode, All Rights Reserved

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What is Intuitive Intelligence?

Let’s begin with intuitive intelligence. Like other intelligences, it is a variety of skills which range from the ability to feel a friend’s low mood or energy to the heightened intuitive who displays psychic skills like clairvoyance. A child who takes art lessons and has a good eye for painting is far different from a Picasso; yet, both exhibit artistic intelligence. A smart teenager, who glances at a biology study guide and retains the information almost immediately, can be said to have scientific intelligence, same as a fifteen-year-old who ponders quantum physics as a freshman at MIT. They exist on the same intelligence continuum, but show different aptitudes.

Intuition is also a valid intelligence, but there has been confusion in the way it’s been interpreted by different groups who use words like intuition, psychic and spiritual gifts synonymously. Not all intuitive people are psychic and not all psychic people use their intuitive gifts. How we develop our intuition depends on how we are nurtured and guided to trust our “inner knowing.”

You are the only one who knows how to interpret yours or your child’s experiences. As a parent, do you believe your child is a deep feeler, sees angels or deceased loved ones, or uses gut level reactions to make sense of his or her world? If so, then here are some questions for your consideration:

1. Are you able to hear what your child says without judgment and accept the experience as your child shares it?
2. Can you be a present, responsive listener?
3. If you need more information, will you educate yourself through books or other avenues of information?
4. If you need help, will you ask for it without embarrassment?
5. If medical doctors suggest medications, will you seek alternative explanations?
6. Will you accept intuitive intelligence as a normal way to learn, develop skills and interpret life’s opportunities and challenges?

Who can decide if the psychic ability of a school aged child is a developmental issue or a great gift of connection to God or something greater? Or is psychic manifestation our human ability to create our deepest heart’s desire? Is an intuitive scientist like Einstein a creative genius, or a mystic, or an intuitive with great insight?

Those you ask will have different opinions about intuition or psychic abilities. Some opinions are supportive; others will consider intuition as evil.

©2009 by Tara Paterson and Caron Goode, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Series- Intuitive Parenting

Each month, I will touch on the realities our intuitive children are facing as they maneuver their way through what remains of our left brained world; one we’ve lived in for so many years. I will share how parents can apply practical techniques to caring for their sensitive child from managing their behavior, understanding their intuitive styles, how the environment affects their bodies, to food sensitivities and more.

As an intuitive parent with 4 intuitive children, each with their own styles, and with a background as a parent coach and trainer it has been my experience and observation that we have to apply new techniques to the way we raise our children of now; we need to become the intuitive parents our children need us to be. Their future depends on it!

Tara Paterson

Tara Paterson

A certified coach for parents of intuitives and the co-author of the book- Raising Intuitive Children (New Page Books, '09), Tara Paterson is raising 4 highly intuitive children with her husband. She is a corporate spokesperson, a syndicated columnist, parent advisor, and author of 100 plus parenting and spiritual articles.

Tara is available for private coaching, presentations, lectures, and workshops. Contact Tara at or visit